When Someone Says They Sold Their Soul Believe Them. Part 2

  • “Sold my soul long ago, nothing left to choose. I will follow Satan. Dancing in the dark.” - Lana Del Rey
  • “The devil wants my soul. That would block off the way to heaven.” - L’arc en ciel
  • “I sold my soul.” - Laura Wilde
  • “I won’t support your lie no more. If I have to die, oh Lord, that’s how I choose to live. I can’t be victimised no more. I just don’t sympathize no more. ‘Cause now I understand. You (Satan) just wanna use me. You say ‘love’ then abuse me. I take the sacrifice, If everything must go. No more compromises. I see past your disguises. Blindin’ through mind control. Stealin’ my eternal soul. Appealin’ through material, to keep me as your slave. But faith is not your speed. Oh, you’ve had everyone believed, that you’re the sole authority. Just follow the majority. You’d be smart to save your soul, when escape is mind control. Are you sure it’s God you servin’? Obligated to a system.” - Lauryn Hill    
  • “I had a fall out with Satan. Repeating satanic verses.” - Layzie Bone
  • “The devil stay scheming. And dreamers steady dreamin’, but ain’t no hope here. Ain’t no satisfaction in money, women, and clothes here. ‘Cause everything is fallen, it could happen any day. Your world come tumbling down and ain’t no way to get away. If I die before I wake I pray to the Lord, your soul he’ll take. Why gain the whole wide world, If I’m just going lose my soul. I’m who I are, a trail of stardust leading to the superstar. I had a dream that I was captain of my soul. I was master of my fate, lost control, and then I sank. So I don’t want to take the lead, ‘cause I’m prone to make mistakes.” - Lecrae
  • “It’s nobody’s fault but mine. Try to save my soul tonight. Devil he told me to roll. Here’s to my Satan. Whose power is Satan. He’ll give you 666.” - Led Zeppelin
  • “Dancing with the devil, two-stepping into hell.” - Lex Zaleta
  • “I sold my soul. Blame it on the devil.” - Liam Finn
  • “Devil took my soul. I’m the devil. I’ve taken over Lil B’s soul. I cook in hell’s kitchen, I’m burning every day, my soul, there’s nothing left. I’m Satan, I make deals. Really want to keep you blind. I’ll see you in hell.” - Lil B
  • "Cuz them devils out. We talkin’ bout devils." - Lil Boosie
  • “These devils find a way to get at’cha. All it takes is some green and your face on the screen.” - Lil’ Kim  
  • “Sold my soul to the devil. She got the devil in her, I do whatever I want, hell’s angel. (Lucifer) Dance with the devil. Devil on my shoulder. Love me like Satan.” - Lil Wayne
  • “My soul bleeds, devil must’ve planted the seed. I get lost in the nothingness inside of me.” - Linkin Park
  • “I see the invisible spirits, where demons still find it livable. I need a hug to hold my soul inside my body.” - Lisa Lopes
  • “I’m drawn to the dark side, and the devil in my head.” - Lita Ford
  • “I was directed and commanded by another power. The power of darkness that a lot of people don’t believe exists. The power of the devil. Satan.” - Little Richard
  • “Sold you soul for a dollar. It’s the devil, you know.” - LL Cool J
  • “I got that devilish flow, rock n roll, no halo.” - LMFAO
  • “You’re going straight to hell by the devil’s side. Deal with the devil.” - Lizzy Borden
  • “Most people sell their souls.” - Logan P. Smith
  • “Radio Satan, radio lie.” - L.S.U.
  • “What sorrow awaits you who are rich, for you have your only happiness now. What sorrow awaits you who are fat and prosperous now, for a time of awful hunger awaits you. What sorrow awaits you who laugh now, for your laughing will turn to mourning and sorrow. What sorrow awaits you who are praised by the crowds, for their ancestors also praised false prophets.” - Luke 6:24–26
  • “And I will say to my soul, soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, ‘Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?’” - Luke 12:19-20
  • “Lucifer, oh Lucifer, God of evil, you’re the god of pain, the darkness is where you find your light.” - Ludacris
  • “Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is actually working against me.” - Luke 11:23
  • “Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” - Luke 13:3
  • “Someone asked him, ‘Lord, will only a few be saved?’ He replied, ‘Work hard to enter the narrow door to God’s kingdom, for many will try to enter but will fail. When the master of the house has locked the door, it will be too late. You will stand outside knocking and pleading, ‘Lord, open the door for us!’ But he will reply, ‘I don’t know you or where you come from.’ Then you will say, ‘But we ate and drank with you, and you taught in our streets.’ And he will reply, ‘I tell you, I don’t know you or where you come from. Get away from me, all you who do evil.’ There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, for you will see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you will be thrown out. And people will come from all over the world—from east and west, north and south—to take their places in the Kingdom of God. And note this: Some who seem least important now will be the greatest then, and some who are the greatest now will be least important then.’” - Luke 13:23–30
  • “There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores, and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. The rich man also died and was buried. In hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire’. But Abraham replied, ‘Son remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone else cross over from there to us.’ He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father’s house, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment. Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’ ‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’ He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” - Luke 16:19-31
  • “I love her (Lucifer), with all my heart. She said that she would give me greatness, status, placement above the others. A match made in heaven, set the fires in hell. The devil on me. Game got my soul. Momma said beware of what the devil do. Tell’em that your soul’s not for sale. Every dream is designed and broadcasted from the masters to the masses.” - Lupe Fiasco 
  • “In a world full of destruction. In a world where men don’t believe. The devil is always busy trying to destroy and to deceive.” - Luther Barnes
  • “Hell’s abyss and glorious evil. I am next to Satan. I am next to evil.” - Lux Ferre
  • “The slice of a soul as a man on the right hand.” - Machine Gun Kelly
  • “Some devil with a pitchfork keep talkin’ like he know me. I stood before an angel as he told me bout the glory.” - Mac Miller
  • “I don’t give a damn if I go to hell. I love you Satan. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” - Madonna
  • “‘The coming day is certainly going to burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and all who practice evil will be stubble, the coming day will set them on fire,’ says the Lord of the heavenly armies.” - Malachi 4:1
  • “‘You will trample the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day I am preparing,’ says the Lord of hosts.” - Malachi 4:3
  • "I sold my soul to the corporation. They know me better than I know myself." - Manoela Gavassi
  • “Demanding the sacred right to burn in hell. Satan.” - Manowar
  • “I lost my soul.” - Maps
  • “Show business is one of the few businesses that the devil will actually agree to own just a portion of your soul, because he knows if you have a performer’s ego, you were probably working for him all along. When you actually meet the devil and he offers you a deal, most artists eventually negotiate.” - Marc Maron
  • “The ways of hell I chose. I have turned my back on Christ. To hell I have sacrificed. When I die I have a place reserved in hell. In conspiracy with Satan.” - Marduk
  • “There’s nothing left this soul to sell.” - Marilyn Manson
  • “I have sold my soul. I would sell my soul, if I could have it all.” - Marina and the Diamonds
  • “I’ve done wrong. I ain’t afraid of the devil.” - Margot & The Nuclear So and So’s
  • “For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.” - Mark 8:38
  • “It’s better to enter eternal life with only one hand than to go into the unquenchable fires of hell with two hands. It’s better to enter the kingdom of God with only one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, where the maggots never die and the fire never goes out.” - Mark 9:43-48
  • "Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, ‘How hard it is for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God!’ This amazed them. But Jesus said again, ‘Dear children, in fact, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God! The disciples were astounded. ‘Then who in the world can be saved?’ they asked. Jesus looked at them intently and said, ‘Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God. And I assure you that everyone who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or property, for my sake and for the good news, will receive now in return a hundred times as many houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and property—along with persecution. And in the world to come that person will have eternal life." - Mark 10:23–52
  • “I can feel an angel sliding. Can’t be too careful with your company, I can feel the devil walking next to me.” - Mark Knight
  • “Oh devil woman, let go of me. It’s over trapped, no more by your charms. I told Mary about us I told her about our great sin.” - Marty Robbins
  • “Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.” - Matthew 4
  • “You can enter God’s kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.” - Matthew 7:13-14
  • “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons, and in your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you who practice lawlessness.’” - Matthew 7:21-23
  • “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” - Matthew 10:28
  • “For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” - Matthew 16:26
  • “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.’” - Matthew 25:41
  • “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” - Matthew 25:46
  • “And Larry, respect is what you traded for fame, when you made your deal with Satan.” - Maureen McCormick on Larry, the Cable Guy.
  • “The game is so cold. The boy sold his soul. Devil said ‘I’ma give you the world. Mr. Devil, can you give me a sign? He said ‘Throw the Roc up, thats one of mine.’” - MC Hammer
  • “‘Cause I’m evil in a league with Satan.”  Meatmen
  • “I am the Devil’s advocate.” - Megadeth
  • “They’re basically performing a ritual to Satan in order to get a record deal.” - Megan Fox
  • “Can’t you see it’s out of control? Tonight the sweet devil’s got my soul.” - Melissa Etheridge
  • “If your ultimate goal is to be famous, then you’re going to do a lot to get there like sign your name in blood in a contract with the devil. I’ve seen so many people forsake their moral codes, and their value system just for a little bit of fame. It’s not worth it at the end of the day, it’s really not worth it.” - Melyssa Ford
  • “This time you can’t save yourself. But I think we’d all be fine If everyone would just shut up and listen. What you want is never what you need. Be careful what you wish for. This time you can’t save yourself.” - Memphis May Fire
  • “Make a deal with me (devil) and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it.” - Mercedes-Benz: commercial
  • “To the devil his due, I sold my soul.” - Mercyful Fate
  • “You’re the only God. We share the power of Satan. We follow Satan.” - MercyMe
  • “I wish to sell my soul, to be reborn. Devil take my soul, with diamonds you repay. I will burn in hell from the day I die.” - Metallica
  • “With devil worship and Satanic verses.” - Method Man
  • “Sell my soul to him.” - Midnight Oil
  • “I sold my soul to the devil.” - Micah LeVar Troy
  • “In the devil’s game. Even sell my soul to the devil.” - Michael Jackson
  • “I walked along that slippery slope where if you fail through lack of faith, you sell your soul to the devil.” - Michelle Shocked
  • “Give me your heart, give me your soul. I’ll take you when you’re young. The devil. There’s something that burns like a fire. Your loved by all men, but respected by none.” - Mike Ness
  • "Forget Jesus. Satan is great. Save me, God, I am lost." - Miley Cyrus
  • “Hail Satan.” - Mindless Self Indulgence
  • "I sold my soul." - Mike Champa
  • “Devil’s work.” - Mike Snow
  • “Satan’s sword I have become. We curse the holy ghost.” - Morbid Angel
  • “Once you sell yourself, it’s over. You’ve got nothing left. Don’t sell out for money, fame, or notoriety.” - Morgan Brittany
  • “Sold their souls, Satan.” - Morifade
  • “Behold the one called Lucifer eternally damned. His mind infested with hate for you. May every soul of his death be aware. Come before the writhing flames. Witness the death of your spell. For Satan is stripped of strength and power, left helpless to burn forever. Behold all this of which we speak is genuine warning to those who’ll listen. Illusion or fantasy, this is neither. Decide for Christ you must hasten.” - Mortification
  • “Demonic, that’s what we are. Shout at the devil. Forward my mail to me in hell. Our father, who ain’t in heaven.” - Motley Crue
  • “Got Pope John Paul the 2nd, prayin’ to Satan.” - Mr. Eon
  • “Hail Satan.” - Msi
  • “Sold my soul.” - Murderdolls
  • “You get my daring songs. I call on you, Satan. Lives only Satan Of his eternal lock Is the empire that attracts the ones that turn away.” - Murder Rape
  • "Now just why did the conspirators choose the word: ‘Illuminati’ for their satanic-organization? Weishaupt himself said that the word is derived from Lucifer and means: ‘holder of the light.’ The headquarters of the great conspiracy was in Germany where the House of Rothschild had been established who linked together other international financiers who had literally sold their souls to the devil." - Myron C. Fagan
  • “Welcome here in the dark. Your heart and soul with the evil. A deadly part. Fallen down from the heavens gate to earth. With the broken wings. And write with blood my name on the snow. Sacrifice for you my life. You’re the devil in disguise. I surrender my soul with you. For my sins I pay the price.” - Mystic Prophecy
  • “History has proven a thousand times that no man has ever gained from a bargain with the dark, yet cowards and fools continue to try, and the dark never turns them away.” - Myth: The Fallen Lords
  • “I cried in desperation, bowed to evil sorcery. I sold my soul to the devil.” - Nazareth
  • “Bury you with Satan, to hell then I bury ya. I’m like Lucifer the unforgiven, cast out of heaven, I much rather rule in hell than be a servant. A hell on earth survivor means you better be a earner.” - Necro 
  • “We hail our dark Lord. Rise four demons of Satan.” - Nightside
  • “Devil, you’ve got me all in a whirl. I’m wise to your game.” - Neil Sedaka
  • “Now it’s the devil I love.” - Neko Case
  • “I’ll trade my soul. What the hell, I’ve always been a part of generation 666.” - Nekromantix
  • “Satan, answer my call. We bow to thee in the land of hell. I slit my wrist for your pleasure.” - Neldoreth
  • “I made a deal with the devil. I sold my soul.” - Never Shout Never
  • “I just can’t pull myself away, under a spell I can’t break.” - Neyo
  • “Up jumped the devil and took my soul from me. The devil and me, down we go. Hell fire to eternity.” - Nick Cave
  • “I don’t want to end up losing my soul.” - Nicki Minaj
  • “My first response when I was invited to join was, No way! I come from a strong religious background, and I had a very conservative upbringing. This is such a tough industry, you know. To make it, you really have to sell your soul to the devil.” - Nicole Sherzinger
  • “Deceiving humans was the beginning of the way. By the servants of antichrist. Lord of darkness.” - Nightside Glance
  • “Lady Gaga is a Satanic bitch with her demonic secret signs. He (Satan) just needs a hot shot. You need a hot shot. You are always running out. Nothing matters anymore. All you want is go and score (souls). But they all seem to end that way. And they’re all livin, the devil may care. The devil has got his hooks on you. You are racing his clock. His plastic paradise won’t last. You’ve got a no future and no past. Anyone can see your eyes. Excuse me, hell is full of lies. Why should the devil have all the good music? It would be such a shame, if we won’t stop the devil’s game.” - Nina Hagen
  • “Where do bad folks go when they die? They go to the lake of fire and fry.” - Nirvana
  • “Here is no hope, here is no right. Come pick a card, the devil’s game is on tonight. Come step inside and take a look, what do you see..splenderously. Here is no love, here is no might. There’s just one game, come step inside. The time is right. Your soul to pay if you don’t beat the jackal face. You wanna play the devil’s game? You better face what’s coming. Silvertongue devil, burning in my soul. Got a pocket full of diamonds, fortune, fame and gold. Don’t you want it all? The ace of spades you choose. This time it’s do or die. Your soul belongs to the devil. You picked the wrong card, now it’s time to pay.” - Nocturnal Breed
  • “I sold my soul for the second time, cause’ the man don’t pay me.” - Noel Gallagher
  • "I believe in a Illuminati. Does the Illuminati exist? It goes back to the Egyptian pyramids. There is a certain level that you can’t get to unless you’re aware of certain things. There is a door you have to walk through and it’s on you to walk through that door. And once you walk through that door there is no coming back. I got to that level where there were big boys that were saying there’s another step.” - N.O.R.E.
  • “Demons in hell. Satan. His job. Echoing chamber like an orange bowl. I’m goin’ down being here.” - Nuts Can Surf
  • “Satanic Lucifer’s grip.” - NunSlaughter
  • “Thank you Satan.” - Obama
  • “Ja sold his soul.” - Obie Trice on Ja Rule
  • “Your fate is mine. Teasing your soul, is ripe for the devil.” - Okuniev
  • “I have to spit the devil who is lying trough my throat. He drinks my brain with a straw. He smokes my vocal cords.” - Olivia Ruiz
  • “With God and the industry, it’s really dark. The dark side is having to get in, there’s a certain submission you need to have. When you’re someone that is young and you’re coming up in the industry and you really don’t have a grip on your morals, it can be very dark.” - Omarion
  • “We’re all Satanists.” - One Direction
  • “Satan calls his armies to rise up from the crypts. Evil, hatred burns inside vengeance fire from the skies. The lord of evil he rides again.” - Onslaught
  • “Eternal salvation suffers from inflation. I’m losing control. Teach me the magic of your sacred poems. Woman is the devil. All you sinners, blasphemers, burn in the pit.” - Otep
  • “You waited on Satan’s call.” - Ozzy Osbourne
  • “Settle Satan. With this deadliest weapon, temptation, he leads people to the pit by the million. The devil tempted Eve and he tempted Adam. Remember how Judas betrayed the son of man for thirty silver pieces, he did this wrong. Disillusion by things on your television. But every wicked system through the nation belongs to the devil and his companion. Lucifer and his followers bound to the down.” - Pato Banton
  • “There’s a bunch of devil worshippers in Hollywood. They be throwing the signs. All of them. The devil is real. It seems to be a price on it. It seems to be some contract you sign with the devil.” - Paul Mooney
  • “I’ve never slept in Satan’s bed. Who set the standard, born to be rich? I’m real, join the club. Never shook Satan’s hand. I’ll never suck Satan’s dick. I’ll wait for an angel, but I won’t hold my breath ” - Pearl Jam
  • “Ooh so evil. Lord Satan, my love.” - Petra
  • “He sold his soul to the devil for worldly power.” - Phantom of the Paradise: movie
  • “Join the line. Dance with the devil, he’s stealing your soul. Sold their souls, Satan’s slaves. Now the devil must be paid. The music holds them in its spell. They’ll soon be dancing now in hell.” - Phenomena
  • “For I have told you often before, and I say it again with tears in my eyes, that there are many whose conduct shows they are really enemies of the cross of Christ. They are headed for destruction. Their god is their appetite, they brag about shameful things, and they think only about this life here on earth.” - Philippians 3:18–19
  • “God won’t let me into heaven because I’m too evil.” - Phil Spector
  • "Hell on fire, lust, desire. The devil wants to stick you, wants your body, he wants your spirit. Prince of darkness, prince of evil. Cursed hellhound, craving demon. He will possess you." - Piledriver
  • “Made ya’ deal with the devil, but you sold your soul.” - Pimp C
  • “The devil that hounds me.” - Pink
  • “”Lucifer Sam, always sitting by your side. He releaseth my soul for he has great power.” - Pink Floyd
  • “I done made the devil a deal.” - Pistol Annies
  • “They sell their soul but the devil knows I have no number.” - Pitbull
  • “The devil wanders into my soul.” - PJ Harvey
  • “I’ve been wasting all my time with the devil in the details. All of my wrongs and all my wicked ways, will come back to haunt me. Looks like the devil’s here to stay.” - Placebo
  • "The devil’s in my heart tonight, whispering things in my ear." - Plain White T’s
  • “This soul’s been sold.” - Poisonblack
  • “Hell evil, Satan’s curse. Pollution to mankind. I will make you mine. You’ll die, there’s no time to run from hell. You lied, the witch has cast her spell. Your sins will be paid for and sacrificed. This is the price.” - Possessed
  • “Born into fire, black is thy breath. Your empire. Satan. Lucifer, tempter, lord of the flies.” - Powerwolf
  • “Dance with the devil. He wants your soul.” - Prince
  • “Illuminati want my mind, soul, and my body. You triple 6 with a hiss like Satan. You have no soul (Obama). The devil doesn’t have a skin color or a complexion. You’s a deceiver. People are so blind, so deaf, so dumb. You might got these other people fooled, But you can’t fool we because we know that you a black devil. The greatest trick that the devil ever pulled Is convincing the world that the devil don’t exist.” - Prodigy
  • “I find only demons. I be the hatred in your eyes and the Satan in your lives.” - Proof
  • “For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.” - Psalm 16:10
  • “But how you sell soul to souless people who sold their soul? I guess we all got stole on by some of the same cats that sold ya soul.” - Public Enemy
  • “The mark of the devil is upon you. Damnation is waiting in the mirror but you shouldn’t mind. The devil is waiting with your worthless soul. And you want to join the laughter, sharing, simple shreds of feeling, but you fidget and your heart is growing cold.” - Pulp
  • “Sold my soul.” - Pusha T
  • “Satan has a devil put aside for me.” - Queen
  • “It’s the devil’s way now. There is no way out.” - Radiohead
  • “Sellin’ devil their soul.” - Raekwon
  • “Justice is the pain now. The devil takes you. Ride with the devil. He’ll take your life away. You’ll never destroy our fear.  Except your soul. You sold your soul for order. So he could take it over. The string he pulls inside my head. At last, I will discover rrue Meaning of our lord. The devil inside my head.” - Raging Speedhorn
  • “Drinking with the devil, gonna raise some hell. Got my soul to sell. I’m at your command.” - Rainbow
  • “Oh my, look what I’ve done. These angel filled skies. The road might be long, but it’s my road tonight. I said, God be my driver. God, be my lighter. I’ll be careful for what I wish for in this life. What the hell’s going on? I said hey Mr. Soul, what you got for me? I know nothing here’s free. Careful what you wish for.” - Raine Maida
  • “Look in the mirror. Tell me do you like what you see. What you`ve done to your body and soul. Like a fool I was blinded. What can I do. No point running. Got the devil, got the devil inside you.” - Raven
  • “Sold your soul to the devil.” - Reaper: movie
  • “Sell out, record company’s gonna give me lots of money.” - Reel Big Fish
  • “Demon faces the heart of Satan. But for humans are blinded by these things. They cannot see the truth. They are Satan’s heartbeat on earth.” - Ragnarok
  • “Dine with the devil. I’m out with these bad intentions, no heart no soul, in the songs you’re singing. I sold my soul.” - Raindance
  • “I’ve done made a deal with the devil.” - Red Adair
  • “First of all, we want to thank Satan.” - Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • “Slave to our possessions. Greed, the devil’s favorite weapon. The devil laughing when you lazy, and talent don’t mean nothing. Start paying my dues. I got to get up for it, stand up In this world.” - Reflection Eternal
  • “I am under the wings of Satan.” - Ragnarok
  • "The label is the devil: R&B, Pop, Gospel to Heavy Metal. How can I disown my own soul?" - Ras Kass
  • “Lucifer promised me more, ooh evil I take the mark.” - Resurrection Band
  • “You are playing with evil things. I have seen the prince of darkness, and he is nothing to be messed with. He is much stronger than you ever thought. One day you will understand, but I am afraid that it’s too late because he has got your soul. You are Satan’s slave.” - Reverend Bizarre
  • “I am he (Jesus) that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell.” - Revelation 1:18
  • “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. (lukewarm Christians) I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! You say, ‘I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’t need a thing!’ And you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. So I advise you to buy gold from me—gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. Also buy white garments from me so you will not be shamed by your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see. I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference. Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends. Those who are victorious will sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat with my Father on his throne.” - Revelation 3:15–21
  • “This great dragon—the ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole world—was thrown down to the earth with all his angels.” - Revelation 12:9
  • “And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” - Revelation 20:11-15
  • “But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” - Revelation 21:8
  • “I find it hard, to believe it took all of my living years for me to see, the most of the things I´ve ever wanted keep me from knowing my soul. I feel i´m falling into a trial. Or how much I believe in you, i´ll keep doing what the devil says to do. You´re a liar, you´re a fool and you think you´re paying dues, saying that you´re hopeless, faithless, but that ain´t true. You´re just living something I can´t find my way out of. ” - Richie Kotzen
  • “He knockin’ on the door, let the devil in.” - Rick Ross
  • "Satan is attacking the great institutions of America. This is a spiritual war. I believe in good and evil." - Rick Santorum
  • “The world demonic legions prevail.” - Rigor Mortis  
  • “Took an oath, I’ma stick it out to the end. These fancy things, will never come in between. You’re part of my entity, here for infinity. ’Cause in the dark, you can’t see shiny cars, and that’s when you need me there. Satan, I love you. Find light in the sea. You’re a shooting star (Satan) I see, a vision of ecstasy (third eye). I knew that we’d become one right away.” - Rihanna
  • “Hello Satan, it’s time to go. Me and the devil, walkin’ side by side. Hellbound. I went to the crossroads.” - Robert Johnson
  • “Cause’ I live with Satan.” - Robert Plant
  • “I took whatever the devil offered me.” - Robin Thicke
  • “Dreaming be damned, this is control. Raping your soul, devil’s hole.” - Rob Zombie
  • “He said, ‘I want power, I go right to the source of power. How do you think I became famous the way that I am? There’s no such thing as good luck. There’s either some power working for you somewhere or you don’t get a head in this world.’ He said the supposed spirits of the dead are demon spirits, the fallen angels. The high priest of our secret society that the master, Satan. We worship Lucifer and all his angels. In the rock music word you see crosses. The spirits ‘cause the people to do that to wear the emblem. There’s always a cost in everything in this world. Lucifer also foresaw a another age where scientific discoveries will have been made by people that would change the way that everybody lives. It would also serve to usher in the end times. They had 3 major polices that were going to be followed. First, that humans would be made to believe that Satan and his angels don’t really exist. The second one was to find a way to get a total control of peoples’ minds. The third was to destroy the bible without burning it. Satan would tutor Charles Darwin personally in setting up the principals of his theories of evolution. Darwin was tutored by Satan himself, the master fallen angel. Satan understood that if each person was led to believe in the theory of evolution, it would destroy completely the creation of the way of the bible, the fall of man, and the redemption. Christians that are practicing idolatry while they think they are glorifying God. He said necromancy is not actually conjuring the spirits of the dead because man is totally mortal, not immortal. So, who are ‘dead’ people that people see and talk to? He says, the friendly demon spirits. The spirits at that time are going to put all their effort to impress religious leaders to bring before the masses of the earth the sacredness of Sunday. They will teach Sunday sacredness. It was Lucifer who influenced calling his first day of the week, the sacred day of sun worship, ‘Sunday’. He then boasted about how Lucifer was in that he had been able to deceive the whole world, even in an age of great scientific knowledge and understanding. When the spirits were offering me wealth, fame, and power, was the wisest choice I have ever made. And to have a solid relationship with Christ, and like the apostle Paul, to ‘be found in him, not having mine own righteousness…but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: that I may know him, and the power of his resurrection’, all this has brought into my life a wealth of peace, contentment, and joy in the Lord that no amount of money could ever buy.” - Roger Morneau, former Luciferian priest
  • “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.” - Romans 1:18
  • “But because you are stubborn and refuse to turn from your sin, you are storing up terrible punishment for yourself. For a day of anger is coming, when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed.” - Romans 2:5
  • “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” - Romans 6:23
  • “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” - Romans 10:9
  • “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.” - Romans 16:20
  • “I have seen, seen the down fall of Satan. Glory be to God.” - Ron Kenoly
  • “Ask around you’ll find out what a fool I’ve been. They’ll tell you that I got a heart as black as sin. What’s another name for nothing left to lose. Satan. You, me, us.” - Rorschach Test
  • “I signed a deal with Satan because I wanted to get famous. Than I forgot I had a deal with Satan and then I got really famous.” - Roseanne Barr
  • “I made a pact with the devil. I signed a deal with my maker, Satan’s my record company.” - Royce da 5’9
  • “And I even made the devil sell me his soul. Fire from the depths of hell.” - Run–D.M.C.
  • "I hope the Jews did kill Christ, I’d do it again in a second." - Sarah Silverman
  • “Satanic lust.” - Sarcofago
  • “We all praise the devil, till the day we die.” - Sad Iron
  • “This is a man who signed his pact with the devil 20 years ago.” - Sam Mendes
  • “Like a gift from the heavens, it was easy to tell, It was love from above, that could save me from hell. She had fire in her soul. It was easy to see, how the devil himself could be pulled out of me. Every soul in the room keeping time with their hands. Like a piece to the puzzle that falls into place. We danced through the night.” - Santana
  • “Hear the chant of my tormented soul. Bleeding for Satan. In worship, I rape humanity Idolizing the torment with scars. I burn his sign into my heart.” - Sargeist
  • “Wise men say be careful what you wish, for truth would surely shame the branding of your name. She said, sign your soul to me, and I will set you free. They come a dime of a dozen in cornucopias of many kinds. But It’s all right. I’m gonna take this money, turn it around times ten and start a brand new life with you. How could an angel marry the devil? What is my next move to get back to you? To get back to the heaven that I once knew? She (Lucifer) will be the only heaven you will ever see because you signed your soul to me. Scream the tremors of past wished. Should’ve never wished this. I’ll take my cues from the wise in the next life.” - Scapegoat
  • “I got a Lucifer soul. I’ll be the Devil’s son, Devil’s work, gettin’ work.” - Schoolboy Q
  • “I rode the bicycle of the devil, driving straight to hell. The bicycle of the devil will take you straight to hell.” - Scissor Sisters
  • “It irks me when I get burned. And the knowledge that things won’t be the same. Now i realize that you have won. And there’s nothing to be said or done. So run with the devil.” - Seether
  • “I’m selling my soul to Hollywood Records. I love you like a love song baby, a sinful, miracle, lyrical. He ate my soul. He’s Lucifer. I’m torn I’m selling my soul to the rhythm because I’m become so possessed with the music he plays. I chose a path and I’m not looking back.” - Selena Gomez
  • “So who’s on your side? The devil’s on mine. I know ya hate me. White trash satan, proud as can be.” - Seraphim Shock
  • “So many sold their souls.” - Shad
  • "I’m an abomination in this Christ-driven nation, hell bound. Hail Satan. I’m riding with Anton LaVey. I got a stiff 666." - Sharon Needles
  • “I work for Satan.” - Shawn Crahan
  • “I sold my soul to the devil.” - Shelton Hank Williams
  • "I can’t find a place to hide. I’m trapped by you, who I can’t even deny. Your undeniable spell is Lucifer." - Shinee
  • “Satan, you’re a liar. You tried to tell me God wasn’t gonna heal my body. To tell me I’m not born again, heaven’ is not reality. You’re a liar. You’re the father of every lie.” - Shirley Caesar
  • “I can tell that you a devil by them rhymes you’re designing. Something about soul.” - Shooting Star
  • “Leased my soul to the devil with the option to buy.” - Shyne
  • “The devil gave me nine full lives and I say this with a full grin. Because nothing is better than living in sin.” - Silvertide
  • “This is a relationship in which you make a sacrifice. You pay a price. I got a soul for sale. To a puppet on the shelf just screaming: ‘Puppet master, choose me.’ We’ll go down in flames together - light it up like papparazzi. Go and light my name in flames. So sign me up to love you (devil) ‘cause I’m ready for the game. Sign on the line, make a deal with the devil in blood. I know your love is bad but I want it all.” - Simon Curtis
  • “First of all, want nothing so bad, you sell your soul to get it. Have some kind of parameters of what you are before you come here (Hollywood).” - Sinbad
  • “Master of the cursed earth. Terror from the endless depths. Horned lord of death’s flame. Lucifer. Torment from the dark skies. There is only Satan.” - Skuldom
  • “The devil wouldn’t even recognize. That’s why I got the electric eye. I lost my wings and fell to earth.” - Sky Ferreira
  • “I’m a sell out for you.” - Skylar Grey
  • “Warriors from the gates of hell, in lord Satan we trust.” - Slayer
  • “I can’t believe you sold out. Rip your soul out.” - Smile Empty Soul
  • “Why not sell my soul and go on Jersey Shore? And that’s what I did.” - Snooki
  • “I think it’s too late for prayin, hold up, a voice spoke to me and it slowly started sayin’ ‘Bring your lifestyle to me I’ll make it better. I’ll make your life better than you can imagine or even dreamed of.’ I see demons. So relax your soul let me take control. You go down with the devil. Now roam through the depths of hell, where the rest your homeboys dwell.” - Snoop Dogg
  • "Your deal is done. There was a deal and your soul is the price. Bow your head before me. The devil will have his due. You can tell your master that I am not yet ready for hell. Take his soul. You cannot escape us. Your soul is damned!" - Solomon Kane: movie
  • “He sold his soul to the devil.” - Son House
  • “Always talk about the money. Devil take my soul if you want it. Made a deal.” - Son of Dave
  • “Blue eyed devil. Six hundred and sixty six.” - Soul Coughing
  • “The darkness within me. What dwells inside becomes clearer. I pray my God, forgive this.” - Soul Embraced
  • “I made a deal with the devil and sold my soul.” - Spice 1
  • “Hail Satan.” - Splender
  • “I heard the devil callin’ me.” - Spliff Starr
  • "I will steal your soul. I would give anything just to talk with money.  Anything?  I will make your wish come true. But it will cost you. My immortal soul, I already heard that." - Spongebob: episode
  • “God have mercy on my soul. What did you expect? The hero is a wretch, a devil in the flesh. Are you disenchanted by the idols humanness?” - Stavesacre
  • “I said Satan’s choir. You got horns on the back of your head. Triple sixes behind your ear. You’re spinning ‘round my king size bed.” - Steve Poltz
  • “I don’t need to sell my soul, he’s (devil) already in me.” - Stone Roses
  • “I’m bigger than then the devil. You won’t pay for your sins. So offer your soul to claim you. Cloven hoof is with your tail between your legs. Beelzebub you’re through.” - Stormtroopers Of Death
  • “Hail Lucifer. Satan, who love, we worship.” - Stryper
  • “The return of the friendly card invites you to play with the fire. But the joker is closing his eyes if your stake`s getting higher and higher. The reaper smiles, the ten is cut. The jack is allyin` with the queen of spades. The ace is low but the king is high, and little devil plays another lie with you. The ultimate deed is done. Burnt with the trident, and little devil has won. But the stake of your soul will be granted.” - Stygma IV
  • “You gotta sell your soul to be a superstar.” - Sublime
  • “I’m a prisoner of a demon, this must be my punishment for selling my soul.” - Suicidal Tendencies
  • “Down in devil gate drive. I led the angel pack on the road to sin. Knock down the gates, let me in.” - Suzi Quatro
  • “I let the devil buy my soul. I’m driven by the devil.” - Sway
  • “You can save that conversation for Satan.” - Swifty
  • “And if I wanna be rich to go secular and sign on the dotted line for the wealth. And the pen the devil isn’t gonna be quickly let me go. I tell em get back Satan, ‘cause you is lying.” - T-Bone
  • “Mother never told me that the monsters weren’t real. Angel, you can’t hide the little devil inside. Why don’t u see the shame of the ways you wanna bring ‘em down? This so called fantasy, shatters everyone, everything around.” - Talisman
  • “What could ever take your place. Every devil wants to have it out. But i can reach for you. And we’re dancing again.” - Tanya Donelly
  • "New to town with a made up name in the angel city, chasing fortune and fame. And the camera flashes, make it look like a dream. And they tell you that you’re lucky. But you’re so confused, cause you don’t feel pretty, you just feel used. And all the young things line up to take your place. Another name goes up in lights, you wonder if you’ll make it out alive. But can you tell me now, you’re the lucky one. And they still tell the legend of how you disappeared, How you took the money and your dignity, and got the hell out. And it took some time, but I understand it now." - Taylor Swift
  • “The devil, take me now. I can’t hide from you. Prisoners of course, taken by force.” - Tears for Fears
  • “They call me devil boy. You’re gonna operate in hell. She devil, her greed level is hella high. Taking a piece of my soul everytime.” - Tech N9ne
  • “Devil gonna vandalize/steal your soul. Ain’t got no kind of soul. Got no place to go.” - Ted Horowitz
  • "Our sinful lifestyles, our evil ways make it such a playground for fallen angels." - Tess Taylor
  • “The devil likes his MTV. Swears that he is just like me. He is my good friend. When they lay me down to rest, I will owe my soul to him. But the sweeter part of the deal, that’s the rest of my life with you. All I’ve got to do, I’ve got to pay the devil his due.”  - Texas Renegade
  • “Dances with Satan into the pentagram.” - Theatres Des Vampires
  • “Darkness, evil, hell. The world of demons. Only evil lives here. There’s no way out. Feel the fire. Dance with the devil.” - The 6th Gate
  • “Shout to the devil. In the soul. Still fighting off the hounds of hell. For we all fall short of the glory.” - The Alarm
  • “Satan I hear her whispering. Blasphemy, a catastrophe. I’m a sinner.” - The Black Dots of Death
  • “We just do deals with the devil. Because God gave soul and the devil rock’n’roll.” - The Bosshoss
  • “Well, I can’t stop this evil feel. Do you want to make a deal? It’s all wrong, now. I must be the devil.” - The Box Tops
  • “It’s such an easy place to run/turn to. So please, let me in. I didn’t mean to get in this spot. There was a devil in my soul and it will never let me go. Now I’m staring from the other side, and now it’s not so cool. Please let me go.” - The Cinematics
  • “Well you made a deal with the devil, and now your soul is mine. You sold it for eternity when you signed that dotted line. Like a lifeless little pawn, money, pleasure wrapped in leather; fortune and fame. Sell your soul.” - The Creepshow
  • “Raw power angel from hell. Lovely as sin, total Satan. The devil is in your soul.” - The Crown
  • “Come on lil’ devil, be my little angel.” - The Cult
  • “Instead of doing your deal with the devil.” - The Dark Knight
  • “Ask for the devil and he shall appear.” - The Dark Knight Rises
  • “Who, in their right mind, could possibly deny the twentieth century was entirely mine (Satan). Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven, is that it? Why not? I’m here on the ground with my nose in it since the whole thing began. I’ve nurtured every sensation man’s been inspired to have. Let me give you a little inside information about God. God likes to watch. He gives man instincts. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does he do, for his own amusement, he sets the rules in opposition. It’s the goof of all time. Look but don’t touch. Touch, but don’t taste. Taste, don’t swallow. Free will, it is a bitch.” - The Devil’s Advocate: movie
  • “You were all right. There is a god. But he isn’t on my side. He watches as my soul dies. I was sold as a slave. The demons dug their nails. And my debt’s not paid. Sold my soul. Don’t you believe me? They won’t forget me. Sold my soul to hell. I struck blood from an undeserving enemy. You were all right. There is a hell. But it’s waiting for the right time. They’ve gotta know. There’s no hope.” - The Devil’s Contract
  • “Nightmares have become my dreams. I’m late for my date with destiny. I’m on my path.” - The-Dream
  • “All faith corroded, your fate within my hands. How can we rest while the fires burn outside? I am pulled down with the weight of the broken, I will fall. Our souls burn. Devil sold his soul.” - The Disappointment
  • “You’ve got your demons. I’ve got a few of my own.” - The Eagles
  • “He lost his soul to a woman (Lucifer) so heartless.” - The Fray
  • “And the man in my soul makes me behave. I got a devil looking over my back.” - The Gadjits
  • “Walking on top of the devils roof. Walk through the gates of Hell, see my Impala parked in front. I sold my soul to the devil.” - The Game
  • “I’m a devil with a battered brain. And I’m lookin’ for a future, the world’s my aim.” - The Germs
  • “We’re going to play a game called Satan says. Satan says, Follow me! Satan says, go to hell.” - The Great Kat
  • “You better run from the devil’s gun. The race is on, so you better run. If you stay, the devil will catch you anyway. He’ll seek you everywhere. The devil’s fire just won’t go out. He burns you up from head to toe. The devil’s grip just won’t let go.” - The Gun
  • “Demons attack with hate. Satan in the fires of hell awaits.” - The Invocation
  • “The contract’s legal, binding, and completely unbreakable, even for you.” - The Little Mermaid: movie
  • You don’t owe me, no back pay. I’m gonna tell that to the devil.” - The Marshall Tucker Band
  • “Too bad I sold my soul to the fuckin devil.” - The Pharcyde
  • “They screaming your name. And I promised myself that I’d do anything. We all wanna be famous. But be careful what you wish for, ‘cause you just might get it. When I grow up, I wanna be famous I wanna be a star. You just might get it. I can be a little devil. I beg you for forgiveness for all of the mistakes I’ve made. Sorry I couldn’t wear your halo.” - The Pussycat Dolls
  • “We’ve been walking a crooked road. Hands right down in the soil. The suppression of truth. We’re gonna search till we find our dreams. Gonna play so good make the devil cry.” - The Return
  • “Stole many a man’s soul and faith. And I was ’round when Jesus Christ had his moment of doubt and pain. Just call me Lucifer.” - The Rolling Stones
  • “Dance with the devil. We give heaven and hell.” - The Sounds
  • “I sold your soul to the devil.” - The Spookshow
  • "He is coming from a part of hell. He can tell that we’re oblivious. It’s addiction of routine as well. Making fools/robots out of the best of us. And they sacrifice their lives. Sometimes it feels like the world is falling asleep. How do you wake someone up from inside a dream? All obsessed with fame. The world’s always amazed at how much cash you made. But not at how you made it, it’s just strange. It sounded kind of cool over the phone. And you hear, what you want to hear. Your faith has got to be greater than your fear. Yes, I know I’m going to hell. All actors they’re pretending. And singers they sometimes lie. An entire generation of entertainers to blame. The music industry is like any other business. It’s about trade-offs. And very often when you don’t give what people are expecting of you – the powers that be (Illuminati) that decide how successful you’re going to be – they’ll f*ck you in the ass.’" - The Strokes
  • “The chemical fire Is the tongue. The tangerine is the fire. Hurts like red roses can hurt. Acid and sweet, flows the river inside me, like the unbearable desire. Breaking my soul and setting me free. Burning the fire of passion, devil. ” - The Temple
  • “The devil’s bought your body. The devil’s bought your soul. So now to do his evil Is your only goal. Serve each of his evil deeds. You’ll bow down to Satan. Satan is your king.” - The Tiger Lillies
  • “In desolate darkness, the sign of ancient wisdom. But also of no forgiveness. And I drowned in burning seas of fire. Dreams become reality and lies have lost their meanings. The sins man has to suffer for are his stupidity and blindness. I am the wrath of Satan. Night eternal, cold forever.” - The True Frost
  • “Work by the power of Satan, addicted to the payments. Consciousness future levels that he never did Imagine fathomable, but the story only brings an unimaginable trinity to a king, who traded the adversities of sin. He loved the beneficial fruit, so plentiful in taste, and rich superficial delusions of a human race. My soul’s never afraid to die. Who knew our dreams would be the afterlife.” - The Underachievers
  • “Sold my soul.” - The Used
  • “What looked good on paper even looked better.  A card game way out of control. Designed by Satan. Let’s review the rules of the game. Innpcent flirtation can lead to eternal flames.” - The Vandals
  • “I’m throwin’ away my soul.” - The Wanted
  • “Devil whispers in my ear, ‘It’s time for your curtain call.’” - The Whistler
  • “If you’re the chosen one, if you’re the number one, where do you run to? You hide there with your demons. They call you Lucifer. The fires are burning. I watch the devil as he dances round me. Do you really want to drag me down? And take me to the gates of hell? No more dancing with the stars. I did it all for you back then. And look at me now, I’m half the prisoner, half the man, this life is resting in your hands. You’re forcing down the lies, but you always get your way. Something tells me this was all arranged. You trick me once again.” - The Wolf Gang
  • “See the soul inside me. There will be no lies, just silent hope to break free. I was deprived of, the healing light of your dark sin. As darkness consumes everything I try to do. I’ll take the blame for everything cause I love you. I can’t block out these thoughts. Love is the devil, my tortured soul.” - Third Realm
  • “I’m a man without a heart , without a soul. I’ll be here by your side forever. We’ll be chained to this sin together ‘cause I am the tool of the devil.” - Thunderstone
  • “Merciless Lord Satan.” - Thy Infernal
  • “This searching for a brand new world Is getting the best of me. I could sell my soul to the devil for a dime. I got nowhere to turn. I got nothin’ to lose. It’s such a sin.” - Tinsley Ellis
  • “I sold my soul to the devil.” - This Providence
  • “They’ll rather hand me to Satan.” - T.I
  • “Hold down whats inside. I don’t want to run. I can’t remember the last thing I said to you. We’ll separate the tides. But i’m falling to pieces. I am cursed.” - Tides
  • “I really wish I could tell you guys what the industry really is and what stars are apart of destroying this world. The stars who worship Satan. Satan was head of music in heaven. He uses it to influential people, to help influence the world. Once you make a certain amount of money, just know that that’s when they ask you to join. To get in, you have accept the beast, worship. Once you join, they assist you with your career, make you huge, only if you agree and obey to destroy God’s word and his children.” - Tiffany Evans
  • “And givin’ him half of what is earned. Could be a star on your TV screen. But it’s a dream excitin’ and it’s over ridin’. What would you sacrifice? Would you dare, would you bare? Would you take it or leave it? And it can take you under when it feels like thunder. Is it the devil in your soul? There’s someone at the door.” - Tiffani Wood
  • "I couldn’t even begin to point out so many symbolic signs of devil worshiping that link back to the ‘others’. They are powerful and made a deal with the devil. The symbols are everywhere! They speak to each other by throwing around these symbols to let each other know that ‘Yes, I am in the cult.’ Lucifer symbols that you see many artists represent who worship the devil. They are part of the Satanic allegiance. They sold their sold to the devil just to become extremely famous. The devil’s real." - Tila Tequila
  • “The devil took his soul. There’s always a price you pay no matter what you do. If you’re gonna climb that mountain to the top It always comes down to how bad do you want it? You’ve got to lay it all out on the line.” - Tim McGraw
  • "There is the devil at the door. I’m nearly going under, can’t help but wonder who am I working for? No one’s more enslaved now then the ones who falsely feel they are free. I’ve come to terms with the fact that nothing is what it seems. This life is an illusion. And everything you thought you knew isn’t what it seems. Only truth will set you free. This new world has begun." - Tinashe
  • “Cut me like a deck of cards. I thought you had me. You thought that you had me. But hey, devil, go on.” - Toby Mac
  • “My soul, you can have it. I’d sell it to the devil for another hit. I hear voices.” - Tom Meighan
  • “A heart as cold as ice. Shake the devil.” - Tommy Bolin
  • “If you walk with Jesus, he’s gonna save your soul. You gotta keep the devil way down in the hole. He’s got the fire and the fury at his command.” - Tom Waits
  • “I pray to the angels that worship the devil.” - Tony Yayo
  • “I sold my soul to make a record.” - Tool
  • “I wanted to marry Lucifer. I feel his presence in my music.” - Tori Amos
  • “Demons they are on my trail. I’m standing at the crossroads of the hell. All you folks think I got my price, at which I’ll sell all that is mine. You think money rules when all else fails. Go sell your soul and keep your shell. Some say the devil be a mystical thing. I say the devil he a walking man. He a fool, he a liar, conjurer, and a thief. He try to tell you what you want. Try to tell you what you need.” - Tracy Chapman
  • “When you duel with the devil living in your mind. Flooding into your soul.” - Transatlantic
  • “The devil’s got a hold of me.” - Travis Barker
  • "Satan’s my soul mate now." - Travis LeBlanc
  • “This fallen world is fallin’. What happens when your life is leveled? Stack your money in the air. ‘Till it’s rainin’ hund’eds all around. You can build a mansion sky high. ‘Till can’t nobody see the roof when they drive by. But death’ll hit you like a drive by. And to that stuff you acquired you gotta say ‘Bye, bye’. Everything will go down eventually.” - Trip Lee
  • “The final punishment, the final blaze The triumph of Satan.” - Triumphator
  • “I downloaded Satan on my hard drive. A lost soul in torment, I took straight from hell. Knowledge is the source of power.” - Tub Ring
  • “I’d sold my soul to the devil.” - Tuck Everlasting: movie
  • “Hail Satan. Lucifer, hell shall welcome my presence in the end of days.” - Tunrida
  • “I sold my soul. Sellin’ my soul for material wishes, fast cars and bitches. Am I cold, or is it just I sold my soul? Gamble for your soul with the devil. Is this my destiny? No one was there when I took the wrong path. Tell the lord they got my mind, but he can have the rest of me. I wish I could turn back the time. Resist the temptation.” - Tupac Shakur
  • “So what became of love in man, and what became of you? The devil will want you back. ” - Two Door Cinema Club
  • “I sold my soul to the devil. Lucifer will have my soul.” - Tyler, the Creator
  • “We are the magic spell. Seven blasphemies to the holy world. In hell. One destiny. In join with the devil.” - Undercroft